lunes, 1 de abril de 2013

Food and nutrition activities from page nº 20

Food and nutrition activities From page number 20 until the end you have the exercises that you have to do related to Unit 8. Click on here to make the exercises.

Excretory system video

Excretory System

Digestive system video

Digestive system video Watch this video and answer to these questions: 1.Can you tell me how many organs participate in the digestion? Tell me all the names of the organs in order biguining with the mouth and ending with the rectum. 2. The teeth with help of what make a thin paste? 2. In which organ happens most of the digestion? 3. Which organ absorve the water? 4. How long is the small intestine? 5. How long is the long intestines? 6. How long does the stomach take to make the digestion?