lunes, 13 de mayo de 2013

Video about Climate Changes

Climate Change Basics Activity 1: Vocabulary: -Global warming -Destruction -Deforestation -Contamination -Exploitation -Construction -Prevention -Reduce -Reuse -Recycle Fill in the blank. 1. The three main form of alteration of the environment are _________________, _________________, and ___________________. 2. The disappearance of forests due to cutting down trees and fires is called ____________________. 3. The ___________________ of highways, urban zones, airports, touristic resorts and other areas have a negative impact on the environment. 4. When we use a resource or extract materials as if they were limitless, we are _______________ these resources. 5. ___________________ can affect the air, the water, or the ground and is the alteration of the environment with damaging substances. 6. The increase in the Earth’s temperatures and the melting of ice caps are a result of __________________ __________________. 7. In order to create a sustainable environment we need to follow the code of the three R’s: __________________, __________________, and ________________. 8. The best way to avoid environmental risks and consequences before they happen is through _____________________.

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